^ at 30 weeks and feeling like I'm going to pop already
One thing that has thrown me for a complete loop is how different this pregnancy has been compared to last time. Some great, some good, some bad. I'm not sure why I assumed it would be similar/easier but it's been quite different. I got bigger faster (and keep getting bigger...and bigger), my hip and pubic bone pain started earlier, boobs...huge, and I'm anemic this time so the fatigue has been crazy in the third trimester. Some things have been better though like no spotting (that was NOT fun last time) and no Irritable Uterus (basically contractions 24/7 that you have to get monitored to make sure it's not pre-term labor). I also just feel more confident and less fearful about everything my body is doing, and just all around more relaxed.
Even with the extra annoyances this time (more uncomfortable, more pain, feeling like a whale) it still blows my mind what my body is doing right now and I can't but help but have so much gratitude and be in constant awe that I get to experience it all again. This baby girl moves practically 24/7 and my hands are always on my stomach trying to figure out what limb I might be feeling and giving some friendly pokes back. Because 2nd baby or 10th, I don't think that mind-blown feeling of having a real, living and growing tiny human inside of you kicking around will ever wear off. I know in 2 years I'll look at her and think my body grew you, and you came out of me and now you're a toddler... what the heck??
I know this last stretch of time will fly by like crazy as we prepare for her so even though right now I'm not feeling so skinny, and I'm mega tired and I'll wind up with a couple more stretch marks I'm soaking in this dream-like time where the only thing this baby girl needs is my body. It's a crazy thing...
I have the same fears...I am 8 weeks today and this is my second and I feel ok. No sickness, no soreness...nothing. I know I should just be thankful. We had an ultrasound already and we saw a little bean and a strong heartbeat. Still...I worry. I am just willing myself to be positive and hope for the best. This is going to be a long few weeks until I can hear our little heartbeat. Argh.
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