Yep, time for one of these posts! I spent SO MUCH TIME looking at posts about what to register for, or suggested lists but these types of posts were the most helpful... just the ordinary things you actually use everyday and why you liked them.
Munchkin Sound Machine
- This little white noise machine has proven to be quite amazing for being so inexpensive. We've used it every day since we brought him home and probably will continue for years. We mostly only use it for the white noise but it also has a projector which we use from time to time. White noise—I love you.
Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor
- We went back and forth on what kind of monitor to get and finally landed on this one and I'm SO happy we did. When you're a new parent you're freaked out constantly... what if he stops breathing?! Not only is this a quality sound monitor but it has a pad that goes under the mattress that is so sensitive it can detect BREATHING... and an alarm will go off if there hasn't been movement for 15 seconds. It's peace of mind and the security I needed. It also tells you the temperature of the room and other fun things. We obviously still use this everyday too.
Aden + anais Bamboo Swaddle Blanket 3 Pack - These are the softest swaddle blankets you'll ever touch and they are incredible. Perfect to swaddle in the earliest days, a great lightweight blanket for summer, and best of all, it doubles as a nursing cover (tie two corners together and slip the opening over your head, or just tuck one corner into your bra strap). Again, we still use these every day... for everything.
SwaddleMe wraps
- These were a life saver!! He couldn't bust out of these until he was much older. It makes swaddling super quick and keeps them cozy and warm and sleeping sound. We had 3 so that we were never without one if there was a blowout or two...
Circo sheets - Cheap and cute... Target does it again. All of our crib sheets are these circo sheets. We have a few white and a few of these polka dot ones (which are my favorite)
California Baby Shampoo & Bodywash
- My favorite favorite favorite baby shampoo and wash. It may seem a little pricey but the 19oz bottle will no doubt last us an entire YEAR. We've been using it since day one and there's still over 1/4 bottle left. He gets a bath everyday (sometimes twice) and I even use it as a face wash every night. It is my favorite smell in the world. If they ever discontinue this I will be sad forever.
Puj Tub 
THE BEST tub for tiny baby baths. It was so nice to not be bent over, or having to fill up a seperate tub and worry about the water getting cold. Baby bathtubs have always terrified me but the puj cradles them so well I didn't worry once. We borrowed this from a friend but then bought our own because I loved it so much.
Comotomo Bottle - This is the only bottle we've ever had so I don't have a lot to compare it to but we love, he loves it. They say its a good bottle to introduce if you're breastfeeding since it has a soft body (like a boob.. haha). I don't pump consistently, only when I know I'll be gone during a feed so he doesn't use the bottle that often which is we literally only have one, but alas, I like it and its kinda cute and when it was hot I would put water in it and squirt him with it so I guess it doubles as a squirt gun too ;)
Gerber cloth diapers/burp rags - Don't waste money on cutesy burp rags because these are as good as they come! They are cheap, super durable, soft on the face and very absorbent. Win, win win. He doesn't spit up anymore but we still use them often for other things like wiping his hands/face or cleaning his toys.
Tommee Tippee Clear Pacifier - 2PK
- These are his favorite and I liked that they didn't have obnoxious designs all over them. I'm a big fan of pacifiers, for obvious reasons, but also because babies just look so darn cute with them in their mouth.
On-the-Go Diaper Changing Kit -

Lifesaver item right here. Stick a few diapers and wipes in here so you can change them on a surface you know to be clean and not disgusting when you're out and about. The pull-down thingies in bathrooms gross me out, no joke I've heard of stores reporting that druggies use them to shoot up, so I've never used one. I would use this in the car or on the floor over one of those things.
Graco SnugRide Car Seat
- We liked having this kind of carseat because he ALWAYS fell asleep in it (still does actually) and it would've been such a pain to wake him up to get him out everywhere we went. It's also pretty lightweight which is nice since you carry it a lot. I wish they would've had this black one, I like it better than our orange one but oh well. Also, its on super sale right now for $114, thats crazy! (No I don't work for Graco... but maybe I should)
4moms MamaRoo
- I love this swing/rocker because its not huge and its not an eye sore. I didn't want our house to look like Toys r us exploded in it so this was great. But aesthetic aside, this thing is incredible. It mimics they way you rock and bounce and sway and babies LOVE it. It was the way we put him down to sleep when he got old enough to fight sleep. I want an adult one...
Baxton Studios Rocking chair
- A rocking chair was a necessity for me. I was afraid this one would be uncomfortable but it's actually not and I love it. We still use this all the time... and now its out in the living room.
Solly baby wrap - I love this so much it deserves a post all on its own but for now I'll just say it was a lifesaver on days that he was extra needy but I still needed to get things done. I used it ALLLL the time: at home, running errands, at church, on walks... everywhere. Its also great if you're a germ freak like me and don't want people touching your baby.
These all don't need individual rants but these were some of his first toys and he still plays with all of them (though we had to lay the baby gym down since he pulls it over onto himself now). I kinda thought he wouldn't care about the wood rattle because its boring but honest to goodness I think thats his favorite toy right now. Strange eh? And the baby gym... get it and thank me later. Before he was mobile he would lay under it for the longest time cooing and laughing. Its how I got dinner made every night.
Okay, thats all! Part II to come soon for the older babies.