It came and went so unbelievably fast, just like it does every year. We had a relaxing christmas eve with homemade pizza and a walk through the neighborhood. We only got a few hours of shut eye before we were up and downstairs tearing through our presents from each other before we headed over to my parents for christmas morning with the whole fam.
Christmas always make me feel like i'm walking on sunshine.. not because I got amazing gifts (though i did!) but because there is so much joy and selflessness from everyone around me. At the end of the night, laying in bed, I was getting kinda weepy thinking about the financial situations of so many people around me and how they were still so generous with everyone. I feel abundantly blessed..
I have a little case of the post christmas blues.. but that'll only linger for a couple days before the excitement of a fresh new year comes. I have a feeling 2013 is going to be awesome.