A baby was always in our "five year plan" (although it would've been in my 1 year plan had it just been my decision) so as 2013 approached we started to have lots of conversations. Is there anything we want to do first? Do we make enough money? Do we have good health insurance? And more specific things like what kind of schooling our kids will do and how they will be disciplined or will they be vegetarian..... so much to think about! There was also many many talks with a ton of our good friends about what to expect, ect and finally at the beginning of the year we we're like Lets do this!! The first couple months were a tad hard for me, as periods came and went, I did LOTS of praying and even more trusting. Then I realized that maybe the iphone app we were using to know when i ovulate was off, so I got some ovulation tests and went to town. Turns out my body likes to be really different and I ovulated like 10 days before the app predicted... so we had completely missed it! Just a heads up for people who use that app as a means of birth control or conceiving: not a good idea! All that to say, I know a couple months isn't a long time to wait (some people wait years and years) but I was so happy to see those double pink lines... so happy i took 12 pregnancy tests!
The first trimester was a little rough, nauseous 24/7.. no appetite.. and sleeping all day, but it TOTALLY could've been worse so I'm counting my blessings. P.S. why does NO ONE ever talk about first trimester fatigue?? I really could've used some warnings on that one. I've never slept so much and still been so fatigue in my life. Which is why my store was closed for so long, by the way.
Josh came home from work many nights and I was already in bed. Thank goodness he's so gracious and fed himself dinner the past couple months. Luckily I'm slowly getting my appetite back! Woo hoo!
We've seen the little babe on an ultrasound and heard its heart beat... talk about exciting and surreal. There's a human in there! So incredibly thankful and excited for this new journey!
p.s. i did my best to push a little bump out for these photos, but it felt weird because there's really not much to speak of yet... well, depending on what I eat ;)