On Sunday we got a surprise snow day and it ended up being one of the best days I can remember. It wasn't a huge amount but enough to play in and make everything look incredibly pretty. The last time we really had snow Beck was super tiny so this was his first experience taking it all in and he loved it. He just kept kicking it and running around like.. "what is this???"
Josh taught him how to catch the snow on your tongue. And tried to show him how to throw it but he didn't love getting his mittens in it.
The neighborhood was so dang pretty I could've walked around all day. By the next day it was pretty slushy and gross again but it was super fun while it lasted. And now that we have that out of our systems can winter be over?? I've decided I'm officially not a cold weather person (give me spring or fall year round). I'm freezing 24/7 and so ready to be outside more. Also, the darkness... I need more daylight in my life.
Anyway! Beck's first real snow day was a success. Looking adorable and smiling the whole time :)
Oh my gosh. These photos are so precious!