Put away most or all other decor
This may seem like the most obvious and certainly most people do it to some extent. We already don't have much when it comes to home decor and our walls are almost entirely bare except for a shelf or two but we'll be taking down what we can so even with the christmas stuff out, it feels like it usually does—decorated but very minimal.
Purge more!
There pretty much isn't a time that I'm not going through stuff and getting rid of things. We just loaded up our car completely full today of stuff we've purged over the last couple months. I feel so much better in our home when I know there isn't a closet that is over flowing with junk or cupboards that are overloaded with things we probably don't use any more.

Keep essentials stocked (and with easy access) for guests
This goes for everything from toilet paper to blankets. Keeping things that guests use and need in open places and easy to find. Our bathroom is all open-shelving so we keep things they might need really accessible. And the TP... we have 4-6 Cottonelle mega-rolls out at all times. I never again want to assume we have another roll in the hall closet as I'm using up the last of the TP. Been there, done that. :)
Keep your house mostly clean all the time
I realize this sounds a little idealist, but hear me out. Half the reason that having guests can seem overwhelming is that I want the house to spotless when they arrive (ha!). So If I can keep the house mostly clean and tidy throughout the week, then it becomes much easier to get it to that guest-ready level. I'm not SUPER crazy about this but because of the way I'm wired it's easier for me to relax and enjoy guests if the environment is tidy and clean than if it isn't. It's way less about how people see our house messy/clean and more about how I can actually be focused on the people and not doing the dishes.

Here's to hoping this helps me feel more organized this year! Even if it doesn't completely, every little bit helps and it is the most wonderful time of the year after all, so even if it's a little chaotic its still really amazing, right?
This post was created in partnership with Cottonelle. As always, all words and opinions are entirely my own! Thanks for supporting brands that support this blog!
Great post Abi! We are doing the same in our house and I also got Avery to pack up toys that we don't play with anymore (Its crazy how we accumulate so many toys) and told her we would be giving them to a little girl that doesn't have any toys. This will help with keeping our house tidy, especially after the girls open Christmas presents!
ReplyDeleteSecond it, Abi!
ReplyDeleteI, too, try to keep my home showroom-ready. In the event someone pops-in, they deserve a comfortable experience. Same goes for my automobile. I shouldn't have to clean up the passenger side for a guest who suddenly needs a lift!
Good on you!
Just wanna say I'm so with you on keeping the place clean so that you can focus on company. I DO care what people think of my home but yeah, it's mostly about MY comfort. (I get annoyed when other people don't clean for my arrival for the same reason. I kind of feel like it shows you care about your guests when you take that time to tidy before planned visits.)