Saturday, June 7, 2014

Afternoons in the park (and a GIVEAWAY)

The weather has been pretty perfect the last couple weeks which has meant many trips to the park close to our house. We usually just sit under some shade and read or talk. It's my happy place. We also introduced Beck to the baby swings and he smiles and laughs the entire time.

Since he's getting pretty mobile (not crawling but somehow getting around everywhere) we started bringing the Breeze playard with us so he can play and roll without grabbing twigs or grass (maybe i'm over protective but I'm pretty sure those things are covered in animal feces). Plus it really comes in handy when our park time overlaps with nap time.

Afternoons in the park
Afternoons in the park
Afternoons in the park
Afternoons in the park
Afternoons in the park

Edit: 4moms brought to my attention that the breeze should only be used on hard surfaces so I took down the photos I had in this post with the breeze on the grass. Safety first of course! But you can still see how amazing the breeze is in the photo from 4moms above :) 

I'm gonna brag on the Breeze for a second, ok? I have dealt with quite a few playards and they are pretty cumbersome to put together and take apart. I don't know if thats where the name came from but Breeze is the perfect description for it, one-step open and closed (watch the video and see for yourself). The first time Josh took it out he was like "Whoa.. that's amazing. And easy." It's also not ugly, which I know doesn't matter that much but I love when baby products are minimal and classy, not loud and obnoxious. I'm a breeze believer, for sure. It'll also be a lifesaver once summer hits and we need a sand free spot for him at the beach.

Now for the best part of this post, 4moms is giving me one of these to give to YOU!

To enter: Leave a comment below and tell me how you would use your breeze. (I'm using rafflecopter to keep track of the comments so make sure you click on the widget saying you left a comment)

You can also earn 4 more entries by liking 4moms and Vanilla & Lace on Facebook (optional)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

They are also giving away a breeze every day in June on their facebook page, so you have 24 more chances to win a breeze.

Good luck!!


  1. Oh my goodness, I have been dying for one of these for the twins. We have a very complicated pack-n-play I rarely use because it's just so darn hard to put together. If we had a Breeze I would take it EVERYWHERE... when we travel, to the parks this summer during music festivals... And it will be very useful to wrangle them up when they start toddling around in opposite directions. ;) Fingers are crossed I win! (Also am already a fan of your page and 4moms page on Facebook).

  2. I think I would take it with us when we go on trips.

  3. This *is* beautiful! Although I'm still hoping for one more (littlest is 2), I would use this for my grandbaby!! Still can't believe I'm saying that!!

  4. Oh my gosh! That last photo of you and beck is adorable!!

  5. I would use it for playtime in the park!

  6. Little Beck is adorable! I love the 7th pic....laughing with those little teeth sweet! I would use the Breeze like you do....for home, yard, parks and travel. Thanks for sharing those sweet pics and the great giveaway!

  7. I would use it when travelling and visiting grandparents!

  8. You guys capture some pretty awesome moments. I can't wait to venture out in the park with my little family. I would love to use the Breeze for just that, an outing in the park, and to take over to the grandparents house too ;)

  9. I would love a breeze to take w me to my in laws when we stay there! And I'd be so pumped to have a breeze for camping too. :) thanks for the chance to win!!

  10. I'd love to use the breeze at the pool, at the beach and in the living room.

  11. If I had a Breeze, I would use it for travel and to corral my little one when we are at the pool!

  12. gift it to my friends who are about to have a baby!!

  13. If I had a breeze I would use it when we travel

  14. I would love to use the Breeze when visiting my parents house hours. It'd be great to set up outside!

  15. Cute! I am not a Mom yet, but I bet my cousin and his family would LOVE it!

  16. I'm pregnant with my first and hope to get a Breeze for a bedside bassinet in the early days, and for beautiful fall days with baby out in the backyard. Oh, AND for using as a crib when we go to my parents' house! SO many wonderful uses!!

  17. I would love LOVE to have a Breeze! If I had one I would use it downstairs in my house and also take it to grandma's house for naps.

  18. I would love a Breeze for family vacations and play time with my soon-to-be-mobile 6 month old!

  19. How cumbersome would it be for travel involving an airplane?

  20. The beach!

  21. Vacation and Family houses

  22. Outdoor time and visits to Grammy and Grampa's

  23. I'd take it along on overnight trips.

  24. The beach, Crossfit Gym, on trips!

  25. I would love one of these! I've watched the demo video a few times. Lol. I'd use this to take my little one everywhere!

  26. Everywhere! Vacations and all.

  27. I would use it in the house and on vacations. Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. This would be perfect for sports day and going over for visits

  29. I would love to use for traveling with my toddler! :))

  30. I'm going to take it to the shore of the lake our family's cottage sits on in Michigan and play all summer long.

  31. My family is moving overseas, and it will be several weeks, maybe months, before all of our stuff arrives. This would be the perfect sleeping solution for my little lady!

  32. Nice pictures.
    I love to going to park, picknick, beach and friends house with my baby.

  33. I would use it at home and when we travel!

  34. I would love to use for traveling to see family that lives far away!

    By the way... your pictures are absolutely stunning!!

  35. Can't wait for my baby to get here, so we can start our adventures!

  36. In the backyard! And when we travel!

  37. I would take this everywhere! We live on the beach, have family everywhere but here, so lots of travel to visit elderly family, and we have some beautiful parks that this would make for a HUGE HELP and an incredible outing with our 7 month old daughter!

  38. I would you the breeze everywhere including home, and traveling.

  39. We have a two story house so it would be nice to have this downstairs since the nursery is upstairs

  40. Everywhere. We would be able to go to family and friends houses farther away for longer time periods. Camping, fishing, grandmas, the lake, ocean maybe.

  41. I would use my Breeze on family vacations and visits to grandma's!

  42. with my grandbabies on the St Lawrence River

  43. I would use it at the beach, park, backyard, in the house... everywhere!

  44. At Benjamin's grandparents house, traveling...

  45. We'd use it at grandma's house in the garden.

  46. The Breeze would be perfect for my 4 month old! I would use it when we take trips to see our family and to the beach! :)

  47. We would use it when we take our dog for picnics up the canyon.

  48. I would use the 4moms breeze on our trip back to Kansas as a place for my son to sleep :) It would be perfect for this!

  49. For traveling to visit my in-laws mostly and for sunny days at the park.

  50. I'd use this when we play in the yard and when we travel to visit my parents!

  51. Visiting family

  52. I would love to use it on our trip to Cali in a fee weeks!!!! Btw love your pictures!! Such a sweet family :)

  53. Perfect to put in the yard so I can play with my oldest sans baby.

  54. Any time we went on a trip, even just Nana and Papa's

  55. This would be great for visiting the grandparents!

  56. Would love a breeze for sitting in the yard under our big oak tree!!

  57. I would use it camping. Would be perfect

  58. We would use it for baby on our main floor for naps. :)

  59. This would get used when we travel to visit the cousins!

  60. Need it for Grandmothers house. They have a dog so until she knows how to walk and learn not to eat stuff off floor, she will be in the Breeze!

  61. I would the breeze as a place for baby to nap and play safely.

  62. At all grandparent´s house, and while at the beach, for when we go explore nature.

  63. I would use it for my downstairs.

  64. I would use it all the time

  65. grandparents and travelling. fishing trips. little one can chill in his breeze while daddy and his brother fish.

  66. We would use it at our cabin ! Right now our play yard is soooo hard to move/take down that we can't bring it outside and let our babe enjoy naps with the breeze on her. This would be amazing.

  67. As a first time mom, the breeze playard is one of the best play-yards out in the market- would love to have one for my lil one as it is multipurpose - you dont have to hassle with handles and setting it up. Easy pack, we travel alot so it will be helpful to take it along on trips and one of the best use it would helpful when I have to do my house chores I could put my lil one in the bassinet and not run upstairs. It would be right in front of me

  68. I would use it for our baby due in September!

  69. I would use it for my front porch

  70. I would love to have a Breeze and it would be perfect for our little one to play in while my husband and I run our farmers market booth!

  71. I'd sure the breeze in the yard so we can all be outside together.

  72. I would use the breeze at the park too. And at the holidays when we visit family, and when we go on our big trip to Southern France next summer!

  73. Definitely in our garden. Would be great to have the baby near me while working outdoors!!

  74. visiting the park and friends!

  75. I would use my breeze everywhere, outside, inside and when traveling to see friends and family!

  76. Love your photography! Would love a Breeze for traveling and spending time outside. Expecting our first in October

  77. well for my daughter and I just would be great because here she has big time mommy is she and is full run along with having lots of problems in kidney problems and so this would help all whole lot because I do and I have her with me and not having to carry her while trying to do inside and outside housework our old be able to have her right next to me or close by at ease and then I'll be over to pop it up with one hand and bring it inside or outside with just one hand

  78. This would be great for the beach.

  79. well for my daughter and I just would be great because here she has big time mommy is she and is full run along with having lots of problems in kidney problems and so this would help all whole lot because I do and I have her with me and not having to carry her while trying to do inside and outside housework our old be able to have her right next to me or close by at ease and then I'll be over to pop it up with one hand and bring it inside or outside with just one hand

  80. Would LOVE to have a BREEZE to use in our house, on trips, and visits with family and friends! :)

  81. I would love to win this awesome breeze for my little boy, and would use it at home, park or travelling!
    Thank You So Much for the chance

    Fiona N

  82. We would use it when going to grandparents houses and also when baby and I visit hubby during long stints where he has to work ( sometimes he's gone for a week straight). I can imagine taking it to so many other places (sisters house, park, beach, camping)

  83. We travel monthly to visit family and friends, after moving from our home state about 1 1/2 yr ago. Being a mom of 5 with the newest baby only 2wks. old, the Breeze would help make this & my life a little easier!

  84. It would be perfect for the cottage and traveling to visit our friends/family!

  85. The beach. I have 2 baby boys 13 months apart. Age 1 and age 2 months. The 2 month old is still in the nicu this would be great for when he comes home

  86. We would use this Breeze on a daily basis! We love to travel, adventure, and eat our dinner most every night on our back porch while our sweet pea takes her last and final nap in her bouncer. She is outgrowing the bouncer soo quickly and would love a play yard like the breeze for the simplicity of setting up and packing up. So badly hoping to win!!!

  87. I would love to own one of these play yards for traveling when we go see friends and family after we welcome our first little one at the end of september!

  88. I would use the breeze all the time. We want one to use in our bedroom as a basinet :)

  89. I would use the Breeze everywhere we go. I find its hard to put my baby down even when we're at a friend's or relatives house. This would help out a lot!

  90. At my in law's house.

  91. Our third son is due in a few weeks and the other 2 boys are still in cribs so we really need this! We have old heavy pack n plays and they are a nightmare to travel with or take out to the park! We travel a lot and love going on picnics at the park. The Breeze would make life and travel SO much easier!

  92. I would use it at Grandms's house & trips!

  93. My second child is due in December. My first will be 6 in December. I have almost no baby stuff left, this would work great as crib for the baby, we mostly bedshare, but occasionally need a place for the baby.

  94. I would love to own 4moms Breeze! I would love to use this during 4th of July weekend when we go up north.

  95. I would use the Breeze for staying overnight at my family, and for taking my little guy outside while we work in the yard.

  96. We would use it at the grandparents' house.

  97. It would be great for traveling to visit family!

  98. I would use the Breeze to hang out in the backyard with my toddler while my infant sits in the Breeze in the shade.

  99. We would use the Breeze when we travel to visit our family (no one lives near us)!!

  100. I would use the Breeze for travels/vacations.

  101. I will use it while visiting the family, picnics, family trips...
    Thanks for the chance

  102. Initially we would use it in our room once baby arrives so that he/she doesn't wake up our toddler

  103. I take care of my little grandchildren frequently and have a new one due in August! I would use this at my house for them - it looks amazing!

  104. We would use the heck out of it. Going back and forth to grandmas house to stay for visits. Also we have baby number 2 on the way in december!

  105. In the backyard and for camping!

  106. The friends house's!

  107. I'd love to set it up in my backyard to enjoy some beautiful summer weather, without having my daughter crawling all over the wooded deck.

  108. Everywhere! On vacation to visit family, then next month during our BIG move to a different city...I can see it getting a LOT of use! :)

  109. I would use it for our upcoming beach vacation!

  110. I would use it out at my lake cabin. It would be so nice to know that my little one was safe and comfy and I could sneak out and soak up some sun!

  111. everywhere but especially outside!

  112. We're expecting baby #2, so it would definitely help when trying to do work around the house or even going to the park or to friend's house.

  113. I would love a breeze for traveling!

  114. so many places! anywhere and everywhere :)

  115. I can't wait to use a breeze to take on visits to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I'd love to have it for outdoors too.

  116. It would be amazing for travelling! which we do a lot of!

  117. I would use my breeze exactly the way you did! A nice and relaxing afternoon at the park (our favorite place) with the kids! This would be great for my little one! Easy and accessible is what every mom needs :)

  118. I would use it at home and when we need to travel overnight for our family reunion coming up.

  119. By the pool. In the living room. On trips. EVERY WHERE!

  120. Whenever the youngest sleeps over at grandma's, the lake, or if we were to go on a trip!

  121. I'd use it for traveling to visit family AND every time in between.

  122. I will be a new mom so I'm not sure but probably for traveling

  123. The main place I would use it is at my house. I babysit my cousin's baby and the pack-n-play they leave at my house is such a pain to set up and an even more of a major pain to fold it up! grrrr!! It would be amazing to have a breeze! :)

  124. I would love to have one in our living room!

  125. I'd use mine at home, at family & friend's houses and maybe even at the park!

  126. Grandparents, on the road when traveling for work with little one in tow.

  127. I would use it when traveling with my daughter.

  128. This would be great when we go on vacation this summer!

  129. Everywhere..camping and the beach for sure

  130. in our backyard next to our beautiful garden

  131. Sandy 'Allure' ChiangJune 8, 2014 at 8:30 PM

    I would tke it everywhere I go! Especially to picnic

  132. Jennifer Michelle Ora KreislerJune 8, 2014 at 8:42 PM

    Funny, but I wish almost daily that I had one for the downstairs that I could pop into the carfor outings. My older boys are definately kept inside ever so much more because of the challenge having a new baby poses. We are also supposed to go to Michigan to visit my grandmother who has yet to meet my family-- hubby and my kiddos. This Breeze would make me feel at home both at home and on the road!

  133. I would take the Breeze everywhere with me! To my mom's, my best friend's house, when I'm working in the garden outside, and when we go on family outings to the park and/or beach.

  134. everywhere! would love this for my kiddos!!!

  135. I would use it everywhere the breeze can go.

  136. On our road trips!

  137. I would use it for days in the park or picnic.

  138. Traveling to visit grandparents, hanging in the yard.

  139. So cute! This would be great for visiting all of our family that is spread all over the country

  140. the backyard for sure! -Tina & Justin McCallum

  141. This would be great for roadtripping!

  142. I can't wait for the beach this summer! This would be perfect for a trip to the shore with my little love!

  143. I would love a Breeze for holidays and play time in our garden with my little love - Rebecca would be priceless during summer time :-) :-)

  144. On our balcony. :) Or even a park! That would be awesome.

  145. I would use the breeze out in our yard and at my older son's baseball games. :)

  146. this would be so nice to have for when we visit grandparents or they visit us- our sleeping arrangements would become a bit less complicated

  147. Great giveaway! I would use it at the park! :)

  148. We would use it at home, at grandma's, on vacation - just about everywhere!

  149. I am the grandma and could use this

  150. Would love to use it at the park!

  151. We would use it everywhere, we enjoy being outdoors and could use for new LO coming in August

  152. i think it would be handy in many ways!

  153. id take it everywhere! id use it outside, in our living room and when we go visiting! oh and to the pool!

  154. We stay on the go so anything as easy as this would be great addition to the family!

  155. I would love to use the crib when we travel or when I take my little bundle to my mother-in-laws home.

  156. We are on the go so much and would love this for play and nap times!!

  157. We would use it all of the time! We have a seven month old and she loves to be outside. The park is her favorite place. It would also be great to have somewhere to put her when she needs her own space at someone else's home! Thanks for sharing!

  158. I would use it everywhere! Something this nice has to be shown off! No?! Lol

  159. I would use my 4Moms Breeze all over the place...especially this summer! Some favorites would be the pool, vacations, traveling to see family, friends house for naps, the park, inside the house while cleaning or getting things done. Looks awesome! Would love to win. Thanks!

  160. I would use my breeze in our backyard, the park, on vacations, etc!


  161. I would give it to my sister and we could go to Golden Gate Park with my new baby niece

  162. We LOVE camping but with a mobile little one we'd like to have a spot where we can set her down and not worry about how close she is getting to the fire or what worms she is eating. The Breeze seems like a perfect solution!

  163. I would use this in the backyard, for traveling to the lake and everywhere else we go, and nap time! Thanks!
    Ross Olson

  164. I would use it outside and at grandparents house!

  165. Grandma's house, and anywhere else we need to travel to and stay overnight.

  166. I would use my Breeze on our porch, by the pool, at the beach or at my sister's in the mountains!

  167. We don't have the room to set up a nursery AND be able to host my partner's family when (we hope) they come to visit from Belgium. We're expecting to buy a second-hand cosleeper, but this would be really helpful for making the transition between cosleeping and solo sleeping, as well as for less supervised play or nap time while cooking, showering, etc.

  168. What a wonderful product!


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