Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December days (or daze...)

December days
December, you're always crazy. The good kind of crazy though. But in between christmasy errands and stuffing our calendar to the brim with christmas activities (zoo lights! santa! downtown tree lighting!) you'll most likely find Beck and I on the fluffy rug in his room playing with his favorite toys and reading the same book 20 times in a row (right now that book is I Want My Hat Back).

For the most part he's content to play in his room all day long, pounding away on his piano then pulling the books off his shelves then trying to get the record off his little record player, rolling around with his bear and making all his animal figures roar, the lion is his favorite so naturally they all roar like the lion.

I know I say this all the time but this age is so fun.

p.s. his adorable jumpsuit is from Winter Water Factory,  I am obsessed with everything they make, we have these two too!
And it just so happens he got a nicolas cub bear from Hazel Village  with a matching outfit. I die every time he's wearing them and playing with the bear.
December days
December days
December days
December days

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


LEAF luxx

Happy Wednesday! Indeed, it is a happy wednesday since I have a super awesome giveaway from Nuna. The new LEAF Luxx (which will be available exclusively at Neiman Marcus) is a swaying baby seat that is chic and cute, doesn't require batteries, and can be used for newborns all the way up to big kids (130lb limit!).
I'm in love with the minimal design—no cords, no taking up half the room, no eye-sore.

These are magic for getting fussy babies to go to sleep and for mom to catch a shower. You can check out the regular Nuna LEAF to get an idea of its awesome swaying power.

If only I could put my name into the giveaway for my next baby. ;)

The giveaway is for today only and the winner be chosen at midnight!

Just leave a comment and enter through the rafflecopter widget below. You can follow me on facebook or twitter for more entries too (but that isn't mandatory of course).

Good luck!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tis the season for gift-giving!

A very cold day // Zappos

It's officially December... Christmas is a few weeks + a few days away! (eeeeee!!) Which means holiday shopping us upon us! I loooove gift-giving and making lists of ideas for everyone and seeking out something special. But I kind of loathe shopping malls... I get overwhelmed and hot (is that just me??) and every store is unorganized and there are so. many. people. So online shopping, its my thing. Just me on the couch finding the best gifts for everyone on our list, doesn't get much better than that!

I was excited to be invited to be a part of a fun blogger gift exchange in partnership with Zappos, which is the ultimate holiday shopping destination for people like me (aka: homebodies) since they have everything! It's like the whole mall in one online store with super fast free shipping, plus you have an entire year to return something should it not work out, and their customer service is awesome! Hallelujah.

So the gift exchange! We were given the bloggers info and it was up to us to look at their social outlets (thank you pinterest) and pick out a couple gifts for them. I got paired up with the gals at Small Fry Blog and had a blast shopping for them. Here's what I got them (fingers crossed they like everything!) You can see their post here!

1. D'orsay Shoes 2. Tote 3. Cozy Scarf  4. Pom hat 5. Brixton hat 6. Antler Socks

And those girls are sneaky and got me something that had been on my wish list for ages: these Sam Edelman Petty boots. They are a dream! They also picked out this wool hat and a pretty Deborah Lippman lipstick! Thanks for the fun opportunity Zappos, it was a blast!

A very cold day // Zappos
A very cold day // Zappos
A very cold day // Zappos
A very cold day // Zappos
This post was created in partnership with Zappos. As always, all opinions and words are entirely my own and I'm super grateful to have the opportunity to work with a company I love. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

and he's one!

and he's one!This photo pretty much sums up how he felt about his birthday. It was the most perfect day.

We went to the Christmas parade and he made that face almost the whole time and kept saying "whoaaaa".  After that, we decided we needed a fun birthday tradition for him and pancakes at Slappy Cakes felt like the right decision. He shoveled little pancakes into his mouth faster than I've seen him eat anything else.

We smothered him in kisses the rest of the day and finished out the night seeing the big christmas tree downtown get lit.

Beckaroo, you're our favorite little dude in the world!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Chop chop. Fresh mop!

A couple weeks ago I went and did that thing where you just decide your hair is awful and chop it all off in the bathroom by yourself. Yep, that happened. It's not THAT scary since I am a licensed hair stylist (even though I haven't worked in a salon in years). It was just feeling long and frumpy and unmanageable, not to mention Beck was constantly pulling it. That and I was seeing too many amazing medium-long bobs on pinterest and I just needed to do it! It more-or-less turned out exactly how I wanted and I'm loving the lower maintenance-ness of it.
New cut & color—Madison reed hair color Vesuvias Red
Right around the same time I chopped my hair off I was offered to try this hair color from a new-ish company, Madison Reed, that has ammonia-free, paraben-free, harsh chemical free (you get the idea)  hair dye! I was REALLY curious to try it since I've been coloring my hair for years and years and the "healthier" options never work all too well. The verdict is: It's actually really really amazing! I didn't feel like I was going to pass out as I was applying it in my bathroom, it was easy to apply (even if you've never done it before), and the color is holding up really well—in fact, just as good as the chemically-ammonia kind I've been using for years.

Scraggly before photos, my roots were out of control...

Then after the cut and new color:
New cut & color—Madison reed hair color Vesuvias Red
New cut & color—Madison reed hair color Vesuvias Red
I did my own research into the company and I really love what they are all about. Hair color that is better for you that has holding power and that you can easily do in your home. Also, no animal testing, thats huge!

If you're interested in trying it they gave me a code to share with you for 50% off! Enter BETTERCOLOR at checkout for the discount. Go here to find your perfect hair color.

If you try it out, let me know how you like it!

p.s. the color I used is Vesuvius Red - 7NCR - It's the perfect coppery red.New cut & color—Madison reed hair color Vesuvias Red

This post was created in partnership with Madison Reed, the revolutionary new hair color that's better for your hair. Click here to learn more about Madison Reed

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A few of my favorite things: Munchkin!

Munchkin Moments
Hey guys! Today I'm partnering up with Munchkin to show off some of my favorite products of theirs and why I love them so. We've had a ton of Munchkin products since Beck was a newborn and I'm always adding to the arsenal as he grows and needs new things. When it comes to baby/toddler/kid needs, they have thought of everything!

I've already shared my love for the sound machine/projector in my favorite baby gear post, you can click over there to read about that (spoiler: it's amazing!!)

Another one of my very favorite products we've been using from day one is the Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail. Because the thing with babies... they go through a lot of diapers. And none smell pleasant. Beck is almost one and honest-to-goodness his room has never (ever!) had even the faintest smell of dirty diaper because that pail is magic! It continues to blow my mind all the time since there are usually two weeks worth of diapers in there. It's my go-to baby shower gift now (with an extra pack of refill cartridges of course). It's a necessity!
Munchkin Moments

We've also been using the Stay-put suction bowls at every meal, otherwise he'll just run his hands back and forth over the tray knocking all his food off. It's a fun game apparently... and a messy one. The bowls suction down to the tray so things stay much cleaner and he's learning how to eat from a bowl like a big boy. Win win!
Munchkin Moments
Munchkin Moments

And last but not least, I looooove the Bento mealtime set. We're often on-the-go during one of his meal times and he doesn't like baby food or pouches any more which made packing up his food a hassle—so many containers! I remembered I had this and now we use it all the time—at the park or zoo, when we go to restaurants, ect. It's practical and cute!
Munchkin Moments

Munchkin rids the world of the mundane by developing clever, innovative solutions that make family life safer, easier, and more fun. You can find Munchkin products at Munchkin.comTargetBabies’R’UsWalmart, and Amazon. It’s the little things! 
This post is created in partnership with Munchkin. As always, opinions are entirely my own. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

it hurts.

it hurts

Beck turns one next week. Which seems impossible. Like there is actually no way one year has really passed by since they first laid him on my chest, seconds old.

I think the word bittersweet is the perfect word for describing watching your baby grow up. Time goes by so fast sometimes it legitimately hurts. I'll look back at photos or videos of when he was a newborn and it feels like someone punched me in the chest. The wind gets knocked out of me. And at the very same moment, I've over the moon happy about how much he has grown. He says mama and calls for me when he gets hurt. He smiles when I sing made-up songs about him. When you ask him "How big is Beck?" his arms fly open and he smiles from ear to ear, then claps for himself.

And in so many ways all these things are a million times better than the little newborn that just layed there asleep 90% of the day. But it still stings. My tiny little baby suddenly looks like more like a little boy. But I'm ready for it. Excited to see him learn and discover new things, thanking God every day that I get to be his mom.

Looking back at old photos will probably always take my breath away for a minute. And that's okay.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Opening up shop!

Shop update!

Hello hello! The last month I've been spending a good chunk of time while Beck naps sewing and making new things for my shop and they are finally up for sale in the store! 

There are a few new products—Waxed-canvas tote bags, pillows, baby scarves (!!!!) and then old favorites like baby leggings.

Everything is super limited since I don't have as much time on my hands these days so if you're interested in something I'd suggest getting it sooner than later. Some pieces have already sold out since listing yesterday!

Also, I'm offering free shipping on all US orders if you order before December!

Shop update!

Shop update!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wild thing on halloween

wild thing // max costume

When I first saw a max costume on pinterest months and months ago I knew thats what Beck needed to dress up as on halloween. I planned on getting the costume at a store since there were some pretty good ones out there but I procrastinated and it sold out which left me scrambling at joanns for the pieces to make one myself. It ended up being way cheaper and super easy to make so it all worked out!

He ended up being pretty sick on halloween so he wasn't up for doing much (not that almost one year olds do on halloween anyway) but we still dressed him up and I took about a million photos. Baby's first halloween... why not??

wild thing // max costume
wild thing // max costume
^poor sick baby :(
wild thing // max costume
wild thing // max costume
Max costume

Can he be Max every year? It's just so cute I can't handle it.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

This time last year.


I realized the other day while going through photos that I never posted these ones from the end of our "baby moon" last year. It was exactly this time last year. We rented the cutest little house on the oregon coast and it was way too cold to be on the beach, except for a second or two, but we had a blast nonetheless. Listening to records, making food, sitting by the fire, watching Vh1 music video countdowns and talking about the little tiny baby that was about to makes his way into our lives.

Hopefully we'll be going back for another quick getaway before the end of the year... it'll probably be a little less serene but a whole lot more fun.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

this kid...

Oh, he would spend hours in the bath if he could. Splash, stand up, sit down, splash, pull the drain plug out, suck on the wash cloth, knock over the shampoo, splash, eat the bubbles, lick the water. Repeat all of the above 20 times.
Bath Baby - 11 months
Bath Baby - 11 months
Bath Baby - 11 months
Bath Baby - 11 months

You are pure joy my little Mr. Beck. And I can't believe your first birthday is this month (insert crying emoji here).